Rose Bible Basics: Christian History Made Easy

Rose Bible Basics: Christian History Made Easy

Timothy Paul Jones & Rose Publishing
Christian History Made Easy WINNER of the Christian Retailers' Choice Awards 2010 for the "most significant new life-changing products in the Christian retail industry" in the Christian Education category

Christian History Made Easy summarizes the most important events in the history of the church, from the time of Jesus to modern day. Author Timothy Paul Jones makes Christian history refreshingly fun while at the same time informing Christians about the history of the Christian faith.Full-color, 224 pages, paperback, 6 x 9 inches.

Theologian J. I. Packer says Christian History Made Easy is, "...a beautifully simple, beginner-friendly telling of Christian history, a precious heritage."

Christian History Made Easy Covers Major Events in Church History
Early Church History

  • The Early Church Peter and Paul, the Age of the Apostles, The Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem scatters Christians

  • Early Church Fathers

  • Persecution of Christians Emperor Nero and Domitian, Martyrdom of Peter, Paul, Ignaitius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr

  • Christianity legalized in the Roman Empire, Emperor Constantine, Christianity the official religion in the Roman Empire

The Byzantine Era

  • The Council of Nicaea, The Nicene Creed

  • Augustine, Jerome translates the Bible into Latin, St. Patrick

  • Fall of the Roman Empire, rise of the Eastern Orthodox Church

  • Gregory the Great, Rise of Monasticism

  • Rise of Islam and the Islamic Conquest in Europe, Charles Martel, Charlemagne

  • East/West Church Schism (Photian Schism), Leif Ericson converts to Christianity

  • Great Schism, Hildebrand reforms the church, the Crusades, Lateran Councils, Richard the Lionheart

Pre-Reformation Church History

  • Middle Ages, Bubonic Plague, John Wycliffe, the Wycliffe Bible

  • The Renaissance, Jan Hus, Joan of Arc, Ottomans capture the Christian city of Constantinople, Johann Gutenberg's printing press

The Protestant Reformation

  • Erasmus, Martin Luther, 95 Theses, Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, King Henry VIII, The Geneva Bible, The Matthew's Bible, Church of England history, John Knox, Queen Mary Tudor, Queen Elizabeth I, King James Version Bible

  • Galileo, Pilgrim's Progress, Quaker founded, first Protestant missionary societies

The Great Awakening and Church History in America and Europe

  • John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Handel writes the Messiah, Sunday school is developed, John Newton writes "Amazing Grace." Divisions over slavery in Baptist history

  • Abolition, William Wilberforce, Charles Finney leads revivals, George Muller's faith orphanage, YMCA an YWCA founded, Charles Spurgeon, Salvation Army founded

Church History in the 20th and 21st Century

  • Amy Carmichael, Irish missionary to India, Azusa Street, Scofield Bible, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Billy Graham, Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Modern political State of Israel

  • C.S. Lewis, major evangelistic crusades in Latin America and Korea, Roman Catholic church apologizes for lack of leadership during the Holocaust


Rose Publishing
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